So it has been a very long time and although I've had plenty of ideas they've all been very difficult to actually write and this one is a bit of an odd one too. There are times I think when everyone feels a bit distracted from the present, away with the fairies and everyone assumes that it's a nice day dream they're having. Well for some I guess that is the case or just staring into space but sometimes I wonder what if it's not, what if the distraction is something you wished would disappear from your life completely. Or what if it was something that seemed real but wasn't. Well working with this theme I started to write this piece about being disconnected.
The sunshine is beautiful and warming to my skin, I could
sit here all day just soaking it up.
I walk across the office towards my desk. “Too short!”
Sarah laughs. “Yeah, know what you mean.” She turns back to her computer. “Can’t wait for four o’clock, then I’m out of here. Home to the garden and a bottle of wine.”
“As if.”
She shrugs. “Should have got in earlier then you could go too.”
Sarah was shuffling files.
Great Dave, this can mean only one thing; he’s trying to palm something else off onto me, wonderful.
I smile, not an unusual occurrence they were always wanting things done like tomorrow. “Yes well I could just skip onto them.”
He shook his head. “No, no, we need them all on there.”
Here I am curled up on the floor in the dark again. It’s not
cold but then it’s not hot or airy or anything much; can’t tell where I am it’s
just here. It’s almost like I’m suspended in a warm air flow except that
nothings moving and it feels like I’m lying on something, yet I can’t tell
what. I hate it and I’m scared. It feels like I’ve been crying and I’m rocking
back and forth like a baby trying to comfort myself, it’s almost like I’ve been
beaten and yet I don’t’ feel bruised. I feel sore like I was bruised and then
they healed in seconds and I am left with this after sense that I should be
bruised and swollen and not able to move, yet when I do I feel fine.
I can’t hear anything much, no birds, no cars or trains and
no one moving around close to me. I cry again, why can’t I stop, it’s not like
I’m even hurt or am I? I just can’t tell. What was that? …Not sure it was there
at all and now it is gone like the sound just evaporated: like it was never
there to start with and yet I can remember hearing it. This place is weird it’s
like all I ever hear are echoes, that disappear so quickly, sound that has no source
or substance. Even the beatings are like the never happened. They start and end
without warning as flashes in the dark and then there are gone, so unreal yet I
can remember them. Am I drugged? It feels real and I feel awake but I’m not
sure. Oh it is so confusing I feel so disconnected from myself. Was that
something? Oh God what if he comes back…?
And who is he I don’t remember anyone. Oowww…ahhhh. Don’t
hit me, don’t hit me, what did I do?
I rock back and forth, cuddled up stroking my top arm trying
to sooth myself and melting into the floor, yet not sinking: moulded into air
yet lying still and crying silently. Why will this not end and what happened
did they beat me or rape me, are they starving me or just drugging me and why
oh why do I always feel that they have done something and yet never know what.
“Hey there…lovely day isn’t it?”
I smile. “It is indeed.” I sit back lifting my face to the
sun and closing my eyes. Humm this is lovely. However better get on, there are
things to be done like work unfortunately. Back to the grind stone and back
inside to the paperwork.
As walk in Sarah looks up from her desk. “How was lunch?”I walk across the office towards my desk. “Too short!”
Sarah laughs. “Yeah, know what you mean.” She turns back to her computer. “Can’t wait for four o’clock, then I’m out of here. Home to the garden and a bottle of wine.”
“As if.”
She shrugs. “Should have got in earlier then you could go too.”
Yeah she was right this flexible working was great but it
still required me to get in earlier enough to do all of my hours if I was going
to leave at four. I sigh. “Oh well there’s always tomorrow.” But for now there
was a mountain of data entry to get through. Damn shame no one ever filled the
paperwork in legibly. The hardest part was working out what people had written
the rest was a cinch.
Everything was blurry, oh I need a break, only three, oh
dear. I rub my eyes; they feel so gravelly I need a break. Sarah was shuffling files.
“Want a coffee?”
She looks up and shakes her head. “No thanks.” She turns to
the window, a smile playing at her lips and then she looks down to the files
Right just me then. Soon be break time.
“Arr Bev, glad I caught you.”Great Dave, this can mean only one thing; he’s trying to palm something else off onto me, wonderful.
“Oh you’re looking tired. Can I have a word?” He motions to
the wall
“Yeah sure; I was just going to get a drink.” And I move
away from my desk and head towards the office door.
“Taking a break, it’s not that time already is it?”
I stop at the door and plaster a smile on my face before
turning around to face him. “No sadly not, just needed to give my eyes a rest
from the screen.” I point towards my computer screen.
I have never worked out why I always feel so guilty about
getting a drink when I’ve been staring at the computer for well over an hour
and health and safety say I need to give my eyes a rest every hour for five minutes.
Look at something in the distance they say, change the distance at which you’re
trying to focus and let your eyes relax. Yeah great idea and wonderful for them,
however every single time I actually do this the boss comes along and says
something like ‘oh taking a break blimey didn’t know it was that time’ and I
feel like I’m skiving off. It’s not like they couldn’t give me something to do
that didn’t involve using a computer so I could vary my work but hey they’re
the boss’s. Damn pains.
“Oh right. So have you finished the routine samples?”
I sigh. “No not quite.” There were thousands and when you can’t
even be sure they’ve put a one instead of seven it really doesn’t make the
process go any faster.
“Really.” He raised his eye brows. “Well we need you to get
on to the extra sets on today. We have a client who wants some and if they’re
not on the system then we’re in trouble.”I smile, not an unusual occurrence they were always wanting things done like tomorrow. “Yes well I could just skip onto them.”
He shook his head. “No, no, we need them all on there.”
Like I didn’t know that. “Well there’s still, maybe thirty
sets to go and if they’re all so badly written it’ll take what… maybe three
hours but I have bloods to spin tomorrow and that will take all morning and
then enter them, another couple of hours so…” I’d lost him; he was staring
straight at my chest. A bad habit at the best of times but right now I could do
without it.
“Right well just get them on there will you Durmstrung want
their samples in two days.” He walked off.
I lean against the door to push it open and close my eyes.
The floor is cold and I want to cry, there’s no one here,
there’s nothing here. I need this to stop I can’t take it anymore. I just want
to die. Tears start to roll; I just want to not be here anymore.
Eyes flash open; no I don’t need that now. I look round and
see Dave walking away from me and remember.
Yes sir, of course sir and when exactly am I supposed to do
that….this evening maybe. Now I know why I don’t come in early, they’d be far
too much room to ask me to stay late. At least this way I have to leave when
the building shuts and I’ll have done my hours and no more.