Thursday, 20 September 2012

Going for a swim

Okay so it's been a while and although I've had lots of ideas I haven't really gotten down to the nitty gritty of actaully writing, big suprise! My excuse, life has kind of been getting in the way...terrible I know, so here's my latest offering. It will eventually be longer than this, however I thought I'd get this part out of the way as I've actually written it.... oh dear the story of my life at the moment, anyway to the story.
Going for a swim brought about in part from past experiences and conversations with friends, the idea was to explore peoples darkest moments, and how they can change from despair. Cheery huh!  Oh well never mind...

Going for a swim

The woman was sat on the end of the wooden pier looking out at the inky black water that stretched away in front of her. The wildlife glided through the mist silently. She didn’t move, didn’t blink as the swans passed within inches of her. She just sat her face blank, slack, her eyes sunken as the water lapped on the uprights beneath her.

Her face rippling slightly in front of her she wondered what it would be like to dive in, to swim away from here. The water would be cold, it would make her heart pound, push the blood through her veins and warm the chills she felt. Maybe she could swim out and just keep going, let the water take her away from here. The cold would suffuse her skin and numb her from her extremities first, then push further through her. Would it penetrate deep enough to remove the pain? Would it take her away from here and give her the peace she was looking for? Let her slip away beneath it’s surface.

The wamp, wamp, wamp of wings flapping hard, followed by the sound of splashing brought her head up and her eyes fixed on the swans as they tousled and flapped in dispute in front of her. She blinked and tears rolled from her eyes and she looked down. Her mouth flickered in movement and then settled back.

No that was how it would be. The cold water would hit her warm innards and it would fight, it would gasp for breath despite her, it would fight so hard that warmth would return to her limbs and she would swim again. She repositioned her arms in her lap and let the tears fall. Why could she not give up, why would her body not let her die?

She did not hear the footsteps on the wood, nor the creaks or movement of the boards under her as the man approached. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

She shuddered and caught her breath.

“Sorry. I...” he trailed off.

She half smiled and then returned her gaze to the water.

“I can’t resist coming here when it’s like this. It’s just so peaceful, no one around.”

She looked up at him; half smiled and then turned back to the lake. The inky water was not moving but as she looked out the reflection of the cloudy sky and then snowy peaks of the hills behind drew her attention. The sun was so low in the sky that the light was still pink and golden from sunrise. Yes it was beautiful here.

“It’s great place to contemplate the world.” He smiled.

Yes contemplation, isn’t that why she had come to do, to contemplate things.

“Brrr... it’s pretty cold to be sitting down though. I’m surprised you aren’t frozen.” He stamped his feet. “Penny for them?”

She looked up.

His weathered face, looked down at her, his gaze steady.

She looked back to the water and then to the swans, now calm and serene, and didn’t know what to say.

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