Thursday 19 January 2012

New beginnings

This is a new beginning in so many ways, a new blog, a new book and a new direction. So far my life has been full of education and work with/in science and now having been out of work for several years I’ve found that I don’t want to go back to it. I don’t really want to have to work but recently I've come to think that maybe that is just because I haven’t found what it is I want to do.

I have enthusiasm for other things, for my life in general and for having money to do what I want so I figure now I just need to find what it is I want and then I’ll be just fine.

So what’s this got to do with this blog?...

More than you’d think, I’ve always loved fiction. I read so prolifically as a youth that I’d read so many of the library books choosing a book was more what haven’t I read that what do I want to read. It’s been a long while since I’ve read that much but I still love fiction so now with all the time in the work I ask myself why am I not reading more?

Well I can’t read crime novels because I can guess the endings, I can’t read too many books from the same author because they are too similar and I can remember their last effort and if just isn’t as enjoyable, and so it goes on if there isn’t none stop action I get bored if the sci-fi doesn’t quite ring true I just put it down and don’t finish it. I am so picky

So now creating my own really appeals. The problem is I’m terrible at self motivating myself when there’s no pay off and just writing for myself and no one ever seeing it just doesn’t appeal. So to the blogging: I get a pay off as I publish every week and people can see it should they wish to.

So what will be here?

Anything I fell like writing but ostensibly this will be a novel, not a blogovel but a novel pure and simple and as I write poetry there may well be some of that too as and when I feel like it.

And just as a little warning I’m slightly dyslexic, I have terrible spelling and grammar, which is surprising given that I have two degrees but hey it’s a different type of writing, so feel free to tell me about what’s here. What you like, what you don’t, where you feel it could be improved, corrections you feel might be good, anything really. But mostly just read it that’s what it’s for.

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